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The research groups pursue cutting-edge research on key global issues at the seams of academic departments. Led by Weinberg College faculty, they reflect the distinctive strengths of the Northwestern faculty and produce scholarly publications and workshops, public outreach, training, and media features.

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Andean Cultures and Histories working group (ACH)

The Andean Cultures and Histories working group (ACH) seeks to enrich research and teaching at Northwestern in humanistic and social scientific inquiry related to the Andes and the adjacent Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. 

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Comparative and Historical Social Science (CHSS)

Co-sponsored by the Departments of Political Science and Sociology, the Program in Comparative and Historical Social Science (CHSS) supports training for graduate students interested in comparative and historical research. 

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East Asia Research Forum (EARF)

This interdisciplinary group provides a setting for intellectual exchange among faculty, graduate students, and visiting scholars who work on East Asia at Northwestern University. EARF serves as a venue for outside speakers, discussion of work in progress, and other activities to augment the vibrant atmosphere of scholarship and teaching at Northwestern.

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French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG)

The French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG) was created in 1996 to promote familiarity with French language scholarship at Northwestern, in all fields, by supporting scholarly exchanges with the French academy at all levels - undergraduate, graduate, and faculty.

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Global Capitalism and Law Research Group

The Global Capitalism and Law Research Group investigates the political, social, legal, and normative underpinnings of successful and politically sustainable local, national, and global markets.

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Global Religion and Politics Research Group

The Global Religion and Politics Research Group brings together innovative thinkers in search of new understandings of and creative responses to the challenges of socially and religiously diverse worlds. 

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Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought

The NU RPLRT Research Initiative promotes free and open inquiry and diverse perspectives. It seeks to forge and occupy a unique space: secular and non-confessional but welcoming of colleagues with deeply-held religious convictions or commitments.

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Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies (REEES)

The Program in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies (REEES) at Northwestern University brings together faculty and students bound by a shared interest in the vast region between Prague and Vladivostok. 

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South Asia Research Forum (SARF)

This collaborative group provides a setting for intellectual exchange among faculty, graduate students, and other scholars who work across interdisciplinary fields in South Asia at Northwestern University. SARF provides a venue for speakers and events, work-in-progress workshops, reading new scholarship, and other activities that engage a dynamic community of South Asianists on campus.

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